This is a web page dedicated to the Women of the X-men the Movie Countdown message board.
Rogue (Leader), Dazzler Allycat, KittyPryde, Voodoo, Superninja, Saurion, Shadowcat, Zanzoken, Aphrodawny, Rapture, Clare.
"In brightest day, in blackest night, no hotties shall escape my sight!" - Posted by: Green Lantern2814
A Poem For the X-Chicks They raise our pulse and make us sweat, And enjoy every minute I bet; They look so good, and talk even better; We try to picture them in tight sweaters; They keep the men coming back for more, Just to see what they have in store, Will it be more flirting with the guys, We all want to catch their eyes; We hope to score their affection We want to draw their attention. The make us weak at the knees, Keep us begging please; They're so damn hot, we've seen the pics, You just can't top the X-chicks. -Posted by: hurtssogood